Crystals For Protection. 

Protect your energy! 

Every day we are surrounded by factors that impact our energy, from the people around us to the things we see on social media. While there are some steps we can take to avoid both things and people who negatively impact our mood, it can at times be unavoidable. We might work or go to school with people who are toxic to be around. So its important to protect our energy. There are certain crystals that can repel bad energy and help to neutralise our space. A full list of the crystals we offer to help protect our energy can be found here ‘Crystals For Protection’ However some of my favourites are: 


Obsidian is a strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks and absorbs negative energies from the environment and other people around you. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension aiding healing. It stimulates growth on all levels, and urges you to explore the unknown

Perfect for keeping in your pocket!


Fluorite promotes self confidence and is said to attract wealth. It is also a very protective stone, on all levels. It’s especially good for protection against psychic attack and external manipulation, it keeps the aura stable and clean. It is also a great stone to aid decision making

Beautiful sparkly pieces to add some brightness to your day!


Labradorite is often considered one of the most powerful protection stones. It helps to protect our aura against negativity. Not only that, A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.

Perfect for carrying with you or holding while you meditate.


A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals.