Crystals & Anxiety

What is Anxiety

When we have feelings of unease, such as worrying, fear or feeling tense or afraid- these feelings can be described as anxiety. We all experience anxiety from time to time and in small doses this can be a good thing, as it allows us to focus on issues in our relationships, financial issues and other issues that we need to deal with and get sorted. The feeling of being anxious can help us to put our maximum effort into a task or a key situation that we find ourselves in.


But that’s where the positive side of anxiety comes to an end. When stress and anxiety becomes so strong that it starts to have a negative effect on our daily lives this can potentially become a disorder- which can have a serious impact not only on the person who has the anxiety disorder but also the people close to them.


Do Crystals Help With Anxiety?

While anyone who thinks they have an anxiety disorder should seek professional advice, Crystals can be used to help ease our anxiety. Crystals hold energy, just like all other objects and beings in the world, however crystals have particular frequencies and vibrations, they allow energy to flow into our bodies, and allow us to release negative energy. Crystals have been used for decades in alternative healing. There are many crystals that are good for healing and to ease Anxiety specifically, such as Amethyst (which promotes calmness and reduces stress) or Smokey Quartz (which protects our energy and releases fear).

So these crystals are great to have around us to help ease anxiety due to their metaphysical properties. However the practice of working with your crystals in itself is a very relaxing activity to take part in, a great way to get started in working with your crystals is to try holding them and mediating. This can help us to become more grounded and be more present in the moment, therefore reducing anxiety

Even if you only get a little anxious about certain things, having a crystal for anxiety nearby might just help you through those times and allow you to become more centred and calm in those anxious moments. 


We offer a range of crystals to help with anxiety, check them out here in our crystals for anxiety category. 


A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals.